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About Our Company

It is an independent, international non-profit organization committed to building a better world through sports. Created on June 23rd, 1894, just under two years before the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era, in April 1896, the IOC is the supreme authority of the Olympic Movement. Olympism is a philosophy of life that exalts and brings together in a harmonious and balanced whole all the qualities of the body, will, and mind. This philosophy seeks to create a way of life, based on the joy of effort, the educational value of a good example, social responsibility, and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles by combining sports with culture and education. The visual ambassador of Olympism is the Olympic symbol (the Olympic rings). Its core values are excellence, respect, and friendship. The IOC has 206 National Olympic Committees whose mission, per the Olympic Charter, is to develop, promote and protect the Olympic Movement in their respective countries.

Job Openings at Sportic


Sales Representative

  • fulltime
  • United Arab Emirates

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