
Online Community Director


  • United Arab Emirates


  • AED 500 - AED 1000 per month

Job Type

  • Part-Time

No. of Vacancies

  • 10

Job Description

Job Description:

The BitNest Community Manager is an important role responsible for managing and growing the BitNest community. Community managers need to establish positive interaction with community members, promote community activities and discussions, and improve community activity and cohesion. They are also responsible for monitoring community operations, collecting user feedback and providing suggestions to the team for product and service improvements.

Support Description::

As the community manager of BitNest, when you have more than 200 team members, you will be sponsored by BitNest Community 500USDT, and you will be rewarded with 1000 MEC tokens per month.

Job Requirements:

1. Community building:

You need to actively set up a BitNest community group, such as a Whatsapp group or a Telegram group, which will become an important platform for you to connect and communicate within the region. In groups, you can invite your team members, and invite BitNest's team ambassadors to join to provide training and mentoring for your team members. This group will be a central place for you to promote teamwork and communication.

2. Team Member Invitation:

You need to actively invite potential team members to join your BitNest community group. You can attract people interested in the blockchain space to join your team through a variety of channels such as personal contacts, social media, offline events, and more. At the same time, you can also use the promotional materials and resources provided by BitNest to introduce potential members to the BitNest platform and opportunities for teamwork.

3. Team Ambassador Training:

Once your team members have joined a community group, you need to coordinate with your team ambassadors to arrange training and mentoring for your team members. The team ambassador will provide your team members with a detailed introduction to the BitNest platform, products and services to help them understand the operation mechanism and profit model of BitNest, as well as how to make profits on the platform.

4. Community management:

You need to actively manage and maintain your BitNest community group, ensuring that the communication activities in the group are in good order and encouraging interaction and cooperation among members. You also need to answer questions and feedback from your team members in a timely manner, providing help and support to help them better understand and utilize the BitNest platform.

5. Promotional Activities:

You can organize and participate in various promotional activities, such as offline parties, webinars, social media promotion, etc., expanding the influence and visibility of the BitNest community. By constantly promoting your activities, you can attract more potential users to join your community and promote the growth and development of your team.

Job Openings at BITNEST LTD


Online Community Director

  • parttime
  • United Arab Emirates

City Agency Manager



  • parttime
  • Qatar

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