Volta Buro

Volta Buro


  • United Arab Emirates


Real Estate

Company size

11-50 employees



About Our Company

Volta Buro is a real estate marketing team with over 10 years of experience and a unique marketing methodology, empowering real estate development projects in the MENA region.

Part of Fedoriv Group.

We enhance developers' businesses with our specialized real estate marketing system, the "REAL System." Developed over a decade of experience and 20 global real estate cases, it employs category-specific techniques, procedures, and checklists.

Our approach includes powerful brands, integrated marketing and sales solutions, and customized technologies, supported by a team of over 100 experts and a global network of partners. We transform marketing expenses into strategic investments, boosting client capitalization.

Job Openings at Volta Buro


Sales Account Manager

  • fulltime
  • United Arab Emirates

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